Tokotna Register


Member - The Writer

4,000 TT
- Special
- General
x1 Coal
Crafting Material
x1 Cooking Pot
Crafting Material
x1 Cotton Bolt
Crafting Material
x4 Feathers
Crafting Material
x1 Flour
Crafting Material
x2 Gold Nugget
Crafting Material
x1 Iron Ore
Crafting Material
x2 Knife
Crafting Material
x2 Leaf
Crafting Material
x1 Leather Strips
Crafting Material
x2 Length of Wire
Crafting Material
x2 Quartz
Crafting Material
x1 Ruby
Crafting Material
x5 Stick
Crafting Material
x4 Sugar Cube
Crafting Material
x1 Thread Spool
Crafting Material
x3 Tin Can
Crafting Material
- Breeding
x3 Fertility Root
Crafting Material
x2 Starter Slot (Platinum)
Crafting Material
x1 Starter Slot (Silver)
Crafting Material
- Companion
x1 Beagle
x1 Common Light Spirit
Slotless Companion
- Consumables
- Decor
- Event
- Gardening
x3 Alder
Crafting Material
x1 Aloe Vera
Crafting Material
x1 Black Currant
Crafting Material
x1 Blackberries
Crafting Material
x1 Moon Flower
Crafting Material
x1 Raspberries
Crafting Material
x2 Red Currant
Crafting Material
- Scraps
x1 Antler
Crafting Material
x1 Rabbit Skull
Crafting Material
x1 Wild Turkey
Crafting Material
- Tack
x1 Bright Flashlight
Crafting Material
x1 Crafted Lantern
Crafting Material
x1 Dull Flashlight
Crafting Material
x1 Rope
Crafting Material
x3 Snorkel
Crafting Material
- Taming
- Trait