Tokotna Register

Mordred 70027

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 03/27/2024
Reached on 03/25/2024
Tier 1 Bonded on 03/30/2024
Mordred 70027
Aurora Perks
Custom Message

Pack: Cairnbreakers
Activity: PVP
Breeding: Aippaqs Fortune, Nanooks Shadow, Snowshoe Hare, Lovebirds
Unique Trait: Warrior, Thief
2 UT

Badges | Events | Brawl | Continuous Events | Group Sanctioned | Player vs Player | Miscellaneous
Arms of Akna - Excellent Achieved on 03/27/2024
Dominant Reached on 03/25/2024
Bonding Certificate Tier 1
Bonded on 03/30/2024
Continuous Events
CE Dominant and Up Bronze Trophy
CE Dominant and Up Bronze Trophy
Won on 05-05-2024
Group Sanctioned
Player vs Player