Tokotna Register

Kaleidoscope 9977

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 01/24/2021
Reached on 04/09/2019
Reached on 12/02/2019
Kaleidoscope 9977

Badges | Events | Brawl | Continuous Events | Group Sanctioned | Player vs Player | Miscellaneous
Arms of Akna - Excellent Achieved on 01/24/2021
Average Reached on 04/09/2019
Dominant Reached on 12/02/2019
Continuous Events
CE General Admission Gold Trophy
CE General Admission Gold Trophy
Won on 12-01-2019
CE General Admission Silver Trophy
CE General Admission Silver Trophy
Won on 05-31-2019
CE Performing Silver Trophy
CE Performing Silver Trophy
Won on 05-26-2019
CE Racing Silver Trophy
CE Racing Silver Trophy
Won on 12-03-2019
CE Sporting Silver Trophy
CE Sporting Silver Trophy
Won on 09-05-2019
Group Sanctioned
Player vs Player
Tokota of the Month Award
Tokota of the Month Award
Won on 12-01-2019