Tokotna Register

Lucifer 10400

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 05/12/2016
Reached on 11/17/2016
Lucifer 10400

Lucian, Bad Boy, Faceboy
190 cm
Okay, I don't want to sound like creepypasta writer but there is too many wrong things about Lucifer to call him a normal tokota. And no, I'm not speaking about the tokota skull marking on his backleg. Lucian is rigid, self-confident, proud, maligant but calm and patient in the overall view. You can usually spot him walking around nostalgically, watching other tokotas playing blithely. He has absolute pitch so he looks like he's enjoying good music, especialy gospels and dark classic pieces. May be seductive and charming if he wants. Sound like nothing is wrong with him, right? But speaking about his distressing side, male is inexplicably violent and aggressive at random, especially if someone tries to bother him wandering or listening to music near his handler's window. Faceboy's moves while battle are precise and deadly, almost like he just could predict all of his opponent moves. It makes him unbeatable enemy so nobody tries to intentionally cause a fight with him. Also, he fights to harm and even to kill, not to show his abilities and strenght. But the most disturbing fact about Lucifer is that he feels absouletely no fear or at least slight anxiety. And even if his life is in danger he behaves like he is immortal. So maybe he is?...
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