Tokotna Register

Cheshire 11063

Average | Female | Half Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 02/20/2016
Cheshire 11063

Chesh', Che', Tetsuya, Tetsu', Tora, Tiger, Zebra, "Bad Blood"
149 cm
Considered as a dangerous Tokota, Cheshira is a wild and lonely tokota. She don't have any pack, so, her live if complicated but she is still here. Dominant but calm, she is only dangerous with humans, in particular mans. She is less aggressive with women, but she still can try, or really kill them. She live far from the humans villages and the unic way to see her it's to travel in the forests. But it's really dangerous; humans are a easy prey, and she don't like them... The rope around her neck show her bad past with humans. Captured by the Toko Mafia, she was first used for breedings, make some unics tokotas, but as only commun babies are born, her fate has fast scelled. She is going to be killed and her pelt sold, but she fight back, killing 3 humans, broken her rope, and run away. Now she live alone with the hate for humans and some other tokotas. She is really protective with her sons and she know some of them still belong to the Tokota Mafia, so, she want to free them. But, she was lucky one time... Are her going to by lucky a second time?
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