Tokotna Register

Liron WM47

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Liron WM47

Nightsong [Wild Nickname], Li, Ronnie
175 cm
[Tamed] Even with Liron being officially �tamed�, the wild still calls to him. He sings into the night when the wind blows. He enjoys running through the wide pastures and seemingly endless woods that he used to roam. Nobody would question the fact he is truly wild at heart. Despite all of this, he is adjusting to domestic life bit by bit. Being apart of a pack was not something he was originally used to and while it was odd to adjust to being around other tokotas for long periods of time, he soon found his place. He leads his pack in songs, being the strongest and most beautiful voice among them. However, it is possible to see him away from his pack, enjoying being alone, from time to time. Some see it as being shy, but its simply him taking a short break from being social. With humans, he is shown to be as gentle as his songs. He is not violent towards people, but does tend to be selective on who rides him; the closer the bond the better the chance he�ll let you ride him. He enjoys lone rides with his handler the best, though doesn�t really mind being in a group. He has shown to be intelligent, sometimes by being a bit of a trickster such as taking something from a handler, causing in a little bit of trouble. Overall, he�s a tokota with one paw that lies within domestic and pack life and the other in the wild. Both are home to him. [Wild] On a still, clear night beautiful singing can be heard echoing through the sky over Tokotna. The singing, not made from instruments or creatures of the night, comes from a single, lone Tokota. The Tokota, who has been nicknamed Nightsong, can only be heard during the middle of the night. His unmistakable ballad is said to get even louder during nights of the full moon. The mysterious singing seems to echo the character of its creator as many wonder whether the Tokota is singing over the loss of a long lost mate, out of loneliness, or if he simply loves to sing. Many attempts have been made to track down this elusive musician, but just as mystical as the music itself is the nature of this Tokota. Nevertheless this Tokota's mesmerizing melody seems to have a calming effect on everyone who hears it. Both human and animal can't help but pause and listen to the music of the night.
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