Tokotna Register

Cersei Lannister 15215

Submissive | Female | Curly Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 09/25/2016
Cersei Lannister 15215

Cersei Lannister
CeCe, Queen Regent
190 cm

Cersei is a strikingly beautiful tokota with classic Lannister looks; golden tawny fur, brilliant green eyes, flowing, untangled curly mane, and a slender, graceful figure. Cersei is willful, ambitious and has a certain low cunning. She is, in her opinion, politically astute and thinks of herself as more human than tokota, and feels slighted when people and tokotas do not jump to her erratic commands. She resents the disrespect the lower ranking members of her pack show her, but never realizes that they don't come to her or respect her commands because she is an ineffectual leader. Her quick temper and her easily wounded pride frequently lead her to make rash decisions, and she rarely considers what unintended consequences her actions might have. She lacks the patience for dealing with the tedious yet vital details of her position, and increasingly avoids facing unpleasant facts, surrounding herself with sycophants rather than honest and competent advisers. Being from the same lineage and Castle Rock decent, Joanna has taken Cersei under her wing and guidance. Joanna has taken the place of the parenthood to Cersei as she despises her own parents for their spineless and bird brained personalities. They aren't worthy in her in eyes. Although she shares Joanna 's philosophy of leading through fear over love, she lacks her ability to temper ruthlessness with caution, pragmatism, and sound, objective judgment.

Named Companions
Azarath - Packmate - Beta-in-Training
Breeder's Guild - Member
Showman's Guild - Member