Tokotna Register

Hinoka 15348

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 06/03/2018
Reached on 11/26/2016
Reached on 12/03/2017
Hinoka 15348

Hinoka, Princess
190 cm

Hinoka is a compassionate tokota with a strong sense of justice and pride. She believes in being the best she can be and to help those in need. While she tries to stay cool and collected, sometimes her emotions blow up in others faces, whether they be good or bad. If she sees a tokota or human feeling sorry for themselves, she will give them a rough, yet caring push to their feet. "Tough love" is her code and because of this she's often come across as cold hearted , but that is far from her true self. In fact, seeing others down in the dumps or in distress makes her feel the same way, but her feelings are considered less important to her so she will always put the needs others before her own. Hinoka is sort of traditional in the fact that if her honor or pride is wounded, she will fight in the name to restore it. But there are some battles she will not fight. She refuses to make any decisions that will put those she cares about in danger. Her family and friends mean everything to her and she'd be devastated if something were ever to happen to them. Despite her goodness, she has her flaws, that could one day be her downfall; but that doesn't mean she won't try to fix them, even if it is impossible. She spends her life trying to improve herself and gain knowledge about the world and all it has to offer, doing her best to overcome challenges that push her to her limits.

Named Companions
Lead Exploring Team - Packmate - Leader