Tokotna Register

Aurash 18274

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 08/31/2016
Reached on 09/29/2016
Aurash 18274

182 cm
Free spirited and ever curious, Aurash is a kind soul with a dominant personality. She is as fearless as she is wild, and her fearlessness and intense curiosity can often land her in a bit of trouble. True to her namesake, She yearns to understand everything and is drawn by the prospect of learning new things, and also quite true to her namesake She grows bored and restless all too easily and must constantly keep herself intellectually stimulated lest she become self destructive. She has a nasty habit of over-grooming herself out of boredom and has bitten off more than her fair share of fur and has also chewed up her paws one too many times. Its easy to tell if Aurash has been bored for too long by any bald or unkempt patches of fur around her body from obsessive compulsive grooming, or simply by watching her limp around as a result of chewing at her paws enough to cause harm to herself. Despite these anxious ticks of hers, Aurash is strong and confident and incredibly intelligent. Her mind is as bright as they come and her desire to understand has honed her problem solving and critical thinking skills over the years into a sharp and potentially dangerous tool.
Named Companions