Tokotna Register

Sangria 18930

Submissive | Female | Half Mane | Tokota
Sangria 18930

180 cm
Watchful. Shrewd. Quick to take advantage when others display some weakness, though, to her credit, she does do her best to stifle this impulse when the 'other' is her handler, a packmate, or someone else she is close to. Anyone else is fair game, though. There is a soft core in her somewhere, but it's buried deep and can be hard to find. Her forbearance when it comes to those close to her is the only sign of caring she exhibits most of the time. Otherwise she is cold, focused, and businesslike. She wants to get the job at hand done without a lot of messing around. If there's no job to be done, Sang relaxes a little, but remains relatively aloof and unemotive. She likes chasing prey just for the fun of it, though she usually won't kill unless she's hungry. Stoic. Won't show her pain if injured, and doesn't like to give others the satisfaction of knowing they've gotten under her skin when she's angry. Instead, she gets even chillier. Holds grudges. Can be frighteningly vengeful. Prefers direct aggression, but willing to use passive aggression to get the job done if the direct approach fails or isn't possible.
Named Companions