Tokotna Register

Timothy 19048

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Toki
Timothy 19048

The Lady's Helper, Tiny Toki Tim, Little Toki Tim, Little Tim, Tiny Tim, Toki Tim, Timmy, Tim, Prett
97 cm
Timothy is known to be more than a gentleman, even dispite his young age. His past is greatly unknown to his current family, as he was sold at a local auction. He was dismissed as nothing but a lap dog, not worthy of a working home, and unreliable due to his wild heritage. Once he was brought to the Estate, however, he proved himself to be another perfect fit. The Lady wanted a Tokota she could keep as a pet around the Estate, one to spend a lot of time with her indoors, since she was usually there doing this or that alone. He was not only excellent company, but a wonderful help for the Lady. Affectionally called nearly everything under the sun, Tim is a quick learner and is very eager to help. He grew exceptionally fond of the Lady and her companions, as well as the rest of the members of his pack, and will fiercly defend them if need be. Where ever the Lady is, he's usually not far behind, as neither of them wants to leave the other alone for very long, considering how deeply they bonded in the short time he was at the Estate. He's not much of a hunter or fisher, but he loves to go on long walks or sit by the fire on a cold day. Where ever the Lady is and whatever she's doing is what he wants to do, and right where he wants to be.
Named Companions