Tokotna Register

Adi 19716

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 10/23/2016
Reached on 11/23/2016
Adi 19716

Apps, Apple, Scary Cat, Mr. Whines, Lord of Whines/Whining, He Who Craves Attention
171 cm
Adi is defiantly the 'baby' of the pack, and in a way that it isn't referring to his age. He was pampered as pup and only treated with utter sweetness and pampering - due to the fact that Chrissie was a naive handler when she got him - and this has created quite the tokota that is defiantly the Lord of Whining at Dancing Above Stables. This tokota craves attention with every fiber in his being and will get it in one way or another. Even if it means trampling you or whining your ears off (whining your ears off is his speciality). He is not a truly hyper tokota and is relatively calm, but that doesn't mean he won't sit there and paw or nuzzle you until you give him his ear scratchies. When he isn't craving attention, he is often hiding. This male is very easily scared and just the slightiest 'boo!' to his face will have him jumping. He is very easily startled and scared and while he has never resorted to biting or snapping, he is known to whine for hours after a scare, no matter the intensity of it. So playing pranks on this tokota is a huge no-no and it is a must to keep a tracking collar or lead rope on him when taking him out to do something for there is a high chance you will be dealing with him spooking at least two or three times... But he normally can get the job done, as long as something doesn't jump out at him... But hunting is not a recommendation for him, for a lot of the time, he has a habit of whining while doing any type of scary or dangerous task. - However, he seems to be in his element when coming to the show ring. Where there are no chances of being scared and all attention on him while he preforms, he is excellent tokota of pose and grace.
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