Tokotna Register

Veronyxis 19784

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 10/15/2016
Reached on 10/16/2016
Veronyxis 19784

Vero, Nyxis (not interchangeable) or Veron in general
186 cm
Kind; shy; curious /// Cruel; fearless; bitter Veronyxis was found 5 years ago, underweight, dehydrated, and raving mad. He was talking to himself, his voice changing from smooth and quiet to rough and angry. For a long time the pack struggled to keep him alive, for he refused to eat when he went through his periods of madness, both sides of his psyche thinking the other was trying to poison him. Each personality goes by a different name, and if you call him by the other name he'll either be confused (Vero) or angry (Nyxis). Vero: This is his kinder side. Usually quiet and sticking to the edge of conversations, he occasionally eavesdrops, but just for curiosity's sake, he never gossips. Though he's often too timid to approach others, any time they need help he is the first on the scene. Vero has no idea there's anything wrong with him, and the pack tries to hide the missing days when he becomes his darker half. Nyxis (Sometimes called Nyx) This is the total opposite of Vero. He is mean, and spiteful, and quick to insult anyone, sometimes picking fights just for the sake of inflicting wounds upon the pack. He is very pessimistic and angry at the world, believing that everyone has an ulterior motive just like he does. Unlike the other, Nyx seems to have some inkling of what's wrong with him. He hates when someone calls him Vero, and he knows he's missed days, although he usually chooses to ignore it.
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