Tokotna Register

Acromania 19798

Average | Male | Half Mane | Tokota
Acromania 19798

Acro, Acrom, Mad Dog, Just Shoot Him
190 cm
As his name gives away, this Tokota seems to be mentally ill to the point of no return. He is mentally unstable, unpredictable and (more often than not) extremely violent. Even tho there are many times where he is simply rough in physical behavior (without giving a damn about hurting others, however), doing crazy/idiotic things and simply pesters others for his own enjoyment, there seem to be a few actions, words and situations that 'flip his switch' and he goes absolutely insane. In these situations he is completely unpredictable. Anything is possible, starting from Acrom running away, squealing miserably, as if he was impaled or attacking and trying to kill those around him. Anything can happen. If you previously ran away from him and he left you alone, it can trigger his killing intend the next time. Same with staying put and submitting to him. It all depends on his momentary mood. Being with him is literally like playing Russian Roulette. Acromania: 1. An obsolete term for chronic incurable insanity. 2. Any type of insanity in which agitation and motor excitement are prominent.
Named Companions