Tokotna Register

Bahati Nzuri 20520

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Bahati Nzuri 20520

Bahati Nzuri
Bahati, Hati, Fortunate one
168 cm

Hati was born in the same pack has Kifo, but was the complete opposite from Kifo. He was born after the other pup, but with his arrival the plauges that had tormented the pack since Kifo's birth suddenly stopped, and directly he was seen as their saviour and was thought to be destined to do great things. But as he grew he saw how the pack treated Kifo and he didn't think it was right. He became friends with the older pup, but felt like Kifo mostly just waited for him to turn on him too, and after an inccident where someone from the pack had lashed out at Kifo while Hati wasn't there Kifo lost trust in the friend that had promised him to always be there. Hati was sad for this but never gor trough to Kifo again before the latter mentioned left the pack. He still liked Kifo and decided ti set out to find him. Because he saw it as his fault that he had left. Maybe he'd still be there if Hati just had been braver and stood up for his friend better. He just had too find him and make it right! Hati is an overall happy young tokota with great patience and a strong sense of Moral, and will stand up for what he thinks is right and wrong. He also, unlike Kifo is followed by fortune, and is a good hunter. If someone needs help on his way he is most likely going to put his own goals and needs aside to help anyone, without wanting anything in return.

((Hunter, Future caver))

Named Companions
Outcasts - Packmate - Leader