Tokotna Register

Njord-Dean 21507

Submissive | Male | Curly Mane | Tokota
Njord-Dean 21507

187 cm
Some believe that Dean is actually Njord -- God of sea, wind, fish, and wealth. While born as 'Dean' he is also often referenced as Njord as a result of this belief. While he was wandering wild, superstitious villagers would leave out gifts for him; sacrifices in the hopes that Njord would provide fair seas and good fishing. This set him apart from his fellow tokotas and he was often shunned.In his personal circles the tokota still tries to refer to himself as Dean, though he has had a bit of an identity crisis due to the insistance of others throughout his lifetime that he is a deity reborn in a tokota body -- causing him to have something of a split personality depending on how he is addressed. He answers to both Njord or Dean but treats others differently depending on which name they use. His personality as Njord tends to be more aloof and cold, calculating and dismissive with a hint of arrogance. As Dean he is grim and rough around the edges but a brave companion with a charmingly flirty disposition. While wild as a young adolescent he lost his family and still struggles with the loss, especially because certain people have suggested their deaths were connected with his rebirth as Njord -- causing the male to struggle with the thought that perhaps he WAS responsible for their deaths. Cadeyrn and his pack happened across his path one day and piqued his interest. Njord-Dean decided to join them on their journey to the Vandreren Tribe and acts as a silent watcher over the small pack. He does not consider himself as part of them and mostly is seen as a silent shadow around the tribe.
Named Companions