Tokotna Register

Jolene 21884

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Jolene 21884

153 cm
Jolene is normally treated like the child of the pack because she is seen to be a hyper young tokota, she never takes things seriously and is always found whining at others to play with her or playing in a big pile of leaves. she hates to see people act so upset so she almost always starts talking and begging them to play hide and seek with her and try make them happy, even if it comes off as annoying mostly. shes not the most patient of tokotas infact its the main reason why she hardy succeeds at hunting or fishing but is oddly good at finding things and hiding them. she not the brightest and has a hard time understanding things so others leave her alone, well all except Diablo who like to play horrible pranks on her. she doesn't understand the pranks as they are an horrible thing but instead she sees it as him playing with her so she likes to play pranks back at him all in the name of fun, much to Diablo 's dismay. Diablo eventually starts to like her and becomes her mate, witch he trys to keep secret from the others to maintain his image but Jolene she doesn't mind even, if she understand at all. they both still play pranks on each other and Jolene loves it and him.
Named Companions