Tokotna Register

Skellet 22115

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Skellet 22115

swedish for "Skeleton" / a.k.a "Siku"
140 cm
Skellet was the runt of the litter, ending up a little over 10cm shorter than her smallest parent and almost on the verge of being classified as a toki. Born with unusual facial, spinal and feet markings that make her look like a walking skeleton local townsfolk fear the small tokota - claiming she is of evil creations. She was named by the townsfolk, her name being swedish for skeleton - her birth name simply was 'Siku'. Despite her appearance the small female is very gentle and kind but largely misunderstood, and is mostly avoided like the plague. Still only being young, at the age of 2 years, some say she will conform to what she is known as when she grows older, someone to be feared. Proof of this being that the small female is slowly spiraling into a depressive state, beginning to push others away - the small group that do not fear her, anyway - and day by day becoming more aggressive and angry. Her current handlers are unsure of what to do, but can ony sit and hope that the locals stop judging the tokota on her appearance and discover who she truely is, before it's too late.
Named Companions