Tokotna Register

Rusty 23402

Dominant | Male | Yeti Mane | Dire [25%]
Achieved on 03/09/2017
Reached on 10/08/2017
Rusty 23402

Krampus, Demon, Devil, Blackbeard, and WTF IS THAT?!
210 cm

With eyes that burn like hellfire and every heavy shackled step, this horned monstrous beast of nightmares known as Rusty walks through the darkness and shadows as the embodiment of everyone's deepest and darkest fears. This massive hairy creature had been widely revered for years as the tokota version of the Yuletide demon Krampus for his terrifying appearance of horns, huge rusting steel manacles, and a single braid hanging on each side of his head with burning tips that wisp around his face and smell of burning fur. His personality also reflects why the dire was called the Krampus. Rusty is unpredictable and filled with the rawest, deadliest, untapped form of hate for every living creature... the exception for one tiny male toki named Sam. With the most delicate yellow curled mane, tawny colored fur and cute innocent demeanor; Sam could easily be mistaken for a cherub. Rusty and Sam, a striking yet charming mated gay duo, are always seen with each other grooming one another, loving, and taking care of each other. Before he had met and fallen madly in love with Sam, Rusty had traveled in the shadows of the lands trailing man-eating killer tokotas as a rogue assassin. Many of his cases were of tokotas who have fallen off the deep end, gone absolutely mad, and had gotten the taste of human flesh by attacking and killing their own handlers. Once craving the forbidden meat the animal, no longer considered a tokota, is targeted by Rusty as their death sentence.

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