Tokotna Register

Kushala Daora 23932

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Reached on 01/11/2019
Kushala Daora 23932

Kushala Daora
Kusha, Demon, Demon of Ice
190 cm

"The queen of ice and wind," is what she is known as by many. Kusha is a powerful tokota that demands respect from others but rarely gives any in return. You must earn it from her and she is rarely impressed by those around her. Her bark and bite are as sharp as the bitter cold she loves so much. And her howl is are eerie as the wind during a gale. She's a spitfire that will happily tear you to shreads if your words or actions even slightly offend her. While Kusha isn't too fond of other tokotas and people she could be a very great leader if she really wanted to. But due to her volatile nature it's hard for her to become close to anyone and has often led to seveal fights in where an overconfidant tokota or human overstepped their bounds in an attempt to challenge her; of course, never ending well for the challenger. One does not simply walk up to her and demand her obedience. She will make them regret their life decisions. Despite all this, Kusha has the potential to become a great and wise leader and hopefully her qualities will pass onto her progeny.

Named Companions
Lead Hunting Team - Packmate - Leader