Tokotna Register

Baleros 24635

Average | Male | Sphinx Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 04/28/2017
Reached on 06/09/2017
Baleros 24635

180 cm
blunt | cynical | stoic | combative | pragmatic | flirtatious | confident | capable Baleros has been through a great deal in his life. Battle tested he has come out of it all alive and stronger than before. Though he refuses to discuss the events that led to his scars or his previous interactions with humans, Baleros is not shy about listing and displaying his talents in combat. Fighting is something he excels at and is actually not the preferred choice for hunts as he tends to become quite the berserker and often damages prey so badly that pelt and meat is unsalvageable. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) he has no qualms about being a flirt and greatly enjoys female attention. Most interesting is the fact that he has taken a handler at all, being abhorrent of people in general for the most part. Oddly enough he gets on fabulously with Cadeyrn and the two are thick as thieves. Cade gave him the name Baleros (with the toko deciding to leave his old name in the past and never make a mention of it) which means 'deadly one' in Common Celtic. The toko finds it quite apt and enjoys using it.
Named Companions