Tokotna Register

Ravana 24980

Average | Male | Curly Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 07/31/2018
Ravana 24980

Red demon, Lock (from NightmarebeforeChristmass)
190 cm
Coming from an extremely gothic anti-social family/pack, "TheReds" Ravana, also know as Red Demon , is the 2nd oldest in the litter. Yet takes charge as if he where the oldest. He grew up under the alienated multi-wild pack in an abandon forest, strongly know for the red leaves, and maroon like trunks "The Red Forest." Ravana along with her 7 other siblings live up to there also powerful, myterious, death-like family name. Ravana Dispite being 2nd oldest, takes charge of his 7 siblings + pack. He is agressive, stern, short tempered, territoral, dominant, Intelligent, powerful and can be quite threating 24/7. He is nicked named Red Demon for obvious reasons. Such as. He WILL come at your bareing teeth, he will fight you/pick at you till your broken. If you intrude on his terf (the Red forest/woods) he will come at you with an army of reds by his side. If your new to the pack he will nip at you, both pysically and mentally. That being said he loves his siblings/family/pack, but WILL take action if there miss behaving. DO NOT MESS WITH HIS PACK!!!.
Named Companions