Tokotna Register

Seol Mi 25198

Submissive | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Seol Mi 25198

Seol Mi
Seol-Mi, Seolmi, Seol, Mi
140 cm
Bigotry runs deep in the veins of some Tokota, clouding their minds with prejudice, when it comes to those born of shorter stature. Any words tainted by provocative terms or subtle jabs are promptly intercepted by the snow roan. Her ancestry consists of many great Toki and she is very proud of her lineage. Even her sire is a Toki which explains her more petite and lithe phyique. This mindset bleeds out into other forms of discrimination and Seol-Mi is often seen as a stalwart defender against targets for those insecure enough to pick on others. Akin to her mother, Seol-Mi grapples with the concept of showing affection. Around those she is unfamiliar with she can come off as distant, perhaps even cold, even when her intentions are good. Other times the Tokota is far too overbearing, especially around those she is attached to. Her constant hovering is an obstacle in itself to overcome. However, Seol-Mi herself does not particular like this kind of attention. If someone is too pushy she is incapable of dealing it with herself, labeling her a hypocrite. She needs her freedom and loathes feeling trapped; she must be the initiator in order to feel in control. Seol-Mi holds many of the traditional views as those of the village, along with her handler, she was raised in to high regards. In some aspects they are a form of conduct to her albeit she does have opinions of her own. She is quite the clever lady and is known for potential to be a skilled hunter; already her innate ability is carrying her far. While many seek big game, Seol-Mi also loves to hunt small prey as she finds them far more slippery and more challenging to catch due to their small size. Everything is much more fun if there is a challenge that she can strive towards overcoming.
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