Tokotna Register

The Red Hour 25573

Submissive | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
The Red Hour 25573

The Red Hour
Ezra, Blood, Pretty Death, Sünde, Hiai
170 cm
Vicious, mischievous, manipulative. She likes to charm others into thinking she's kind and sweet but will then turn around and show them just the opposite. She takes amusement from other's problems and struggles and will no hesitate to make a fool of others. She is everything a person could not like in a tokota. When something doesn't go her way she will become violent and snap at or attack another out of revenge. If she doesn't get the attention she often seeks, she turns jealous and resentful to those either not giving her the attention or to those recieving it over her. She takes pride in the way she is often wears a condescending grin on her face, showing how little she thinks of anyone but herself. She is greedy and desires a lot but is often too lazy and uncooperative to do anything but expect things to be handed to her. Due to her volatile and extremely unlikeable personality she has no friends and has been tossed around from place to place, never really having somewhere to call "home." And because of this she has also ocassionally felt lonely, guilty, or even sad. However she quickly forgets it by letting anger overwelm her—and a lot of food. She still holds onto her nicknames from each of the handlers that owned her for a time. She uses them as proof of who she is—and each fit her quite well.
Named Companions