Tokotna Register

Helhundr 25853

Average | Male | Sphinx Mane | Tokota
Helhundr 25853

Helhundr (hellhound), Gremr, Hel's Beast
190 cm
If someone were to put him and his father side by side, they would pick out Helhundr as the wild tokota and Lauss as the pampered pooch. Gremr is quite the intimidating tokota with his spiked collar, red eyes, dark coat, and hulking body. He's built much like a large pit bull, and his bite is much worse than one. He hardly ever barks except to sound the alarm to his tribe, AsgardsreienDomain , that he is charged with protecting. He is a vicious looking guard-dog, and he is not afraid to make an intruder regret even looking in the direction of his tribe. Gremr is very well trained and will only respond to Brynn or one of his other tribe-mates, but mainly Brynn as she was the one to train him from a puppy. Outside of his guarding duties, he is still rather cold to anyone he does not know specifically, and the only tokota he seems to like is Veidimadr. He does prefers to be alone over be in groups, but he is not one to complain. He does like to get affection from Brynn when he is in a good mood, but most of the time he is content to sit by the gate of his tribe and watch. He is a very beloved tokota, and he often follows Brynn when she goes out alone to keep her company. He can be very friendly, and he will even let a child snuggle him if he is told not to harm the child. He does, begrudgingly, enjoy getting attention, and he is often seen sitting at Brynn's feet and enjoying a good ear-scratch with a large smile on his face and his foot hitting the ground to mimic his own scratching. He can be rather cute if you are lucky enough to witness these moments. Don't let this fool you if you just come to visit the tribe and think you can pay him the same affection, you'll probably get bit.
Named Companions