Tokotna Register

Cara 27656

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Dire [10%]
Achieved on 11/20/2017
Reached on 05/20/2017
Cara 27656

Babygirl // Sunflower // Sunnie
200 cm
Cara is a playful Dire, boisterous and excitable. She generally tends to think she's a lap dog, and will attempt to sit on you whenever she sees a chance to. Though she is a big girl, she's a gentle soul, though can forget just how big she actually is. Don't get on her bad side though, she can be easily offended or sensative about some things, and this can make her a little aggressive. Overall though she is generally a pleasure to be around and likes the company of others, though protective of those she holds dear to her. She has an attraction to spring, loving the budding of flowers and all the new smells, likeing yellow or pink flowers best, loves to spend her days lazying around in flower patches. Despite her excitable nature, when it comes to work, Cara would much rather laze around than get involved, not so keen on having to focus on certain things or put effort into what she's doing, with a little pressure however she'll grudgingly do it. Has a very big love for Chickens and other farm yard animals
Named Companions