Tokotna Register

Yume no Okuri 28062

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Yume no Okuri 28062

Yume no Okuri
190 cm
An aloof, stubborn loner who prefers not to socialize. Oku usually has good intentions. He's known to help those who are lost find their way, and often escorts travellers passing by. Oddly enough, he usually stands a distance behind those he escorts, vocalizing angry snaps when there is misdirection. He tolerates touch and being near others, but he will threaten a bite if overly touched. Oku is considered a good luck charm in the areas he traverse. He has an intimidating aura about him and usually scares away any misgivings that could harm his 'hostages'. There are rumors that travelers who trip in his presence are attacked by him, but there has not been evidence. If one seek to find Oku, he's usually near large water sources. Oku does have a handler and occasionally can appear with his pack, but he usually wanders as a feral tokota would.
Named Companions
Yume no Celestine - Handler - Though this tokota tends to linger away from all the other packmembers, he often places himself near Celestine, and even allows himself to be cleaned by him.
夢物語 - Packmate - Lonely Loner.