Tokotna Register

RWS Loki - NFS 32475

Submissive | Male | Natural Mane | Toki
RWS Loki - NFS 32475

RWS Loki - NFS
Loki, Lil Devil, LOKI STOP THAT!
130 cm

Stocky // Muscular // Fit // A bit on the lean side // Jokester // A lil bit Evil // Loyal to his owners // "The joke's on us" were the first words ever heard on the farm of RWS. Hitomi had known, just knew her husband had been up to something when he'd come home snickering with this Toki following closely behind him. Lone and behold Hitomi soon learned the name of the handsome lil devil; Loki. She'd groaned then but Loki seemed 100% oblivious to the prank played on his new owner, Hitomi. Outgoing, funny, and overly active to a fault, Loki enjoys making others laugh. His antics 9 times out of 10, often involve making himself look silly by putting himself into laughable and often groanable situations that leave Hitomi asking the gods what she'd done exactly to deserve such torment after one such antic, resulted in Loki coming home covered in head to tail tip, in chocolate!

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