Tokotna Register

RWS Wytches Brew - NFS 33716

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
RWS Wytches Brew - NFS 33716

RWS Wytches Brew - NFS
Wytche, Brew, Hallows Eve
190 cm

Fit // Lean // Slighty Muscled // Cruel // Heartless // Loving to only a few // Loyal Wytche isn't the type of Tokota that anyone should approach. She despises humans and only cares for a select few. Any one else, she views as below her, beneath her paws if you will and lower than dirt as far as she's concerned. However, you will find she is fiercely loyal to the Celeste family and considers herself the family familiar. It is firmly believed by those around town, that Wytche is capable of powerful magic, and it's also firmly believed that during All Hallows Eve, that her powers greatly increase. It is also believed and considered somewhat true that Wytche was fully capable of placing a curse on one of the more....eviler townsfolk whom she had seen kicking one of the many Tokotas that call the town near Rising Wolfess Stables, home. After a simple, glowing, orange, hate-filled stare, the man who had kicked the blind Tokota, ended up falling upon misfortune after misfortune, starting with the loss of first his expensive car, then followed by his house. You could say this Tokota is particullarly vengeful when the need her opinion of course.

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