Tokotna Register

Aetla WF70

Dominant | Female | Yeti Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 03/26/2017
Reached on 02/12/2017
Reached on 02/12/2017
Aetla WF70

Aetla(fated), La, Ae, Chubbs, Pretty girl, Sneaky one
140 cm

Personality (tamed): Her raven followed her to her new pack's home, and along the way she also picked up a black cat. Her little passe is comprised of bad luck and unfortunate circumstances. She is a rather calm tokota, but anyone who opposes her tends to not see the other side of it without some odd event happening to them. She still wonders off with her mate, Melrakki, to go and wonder around large bodies of water, often diving under and exploring whole new worlds. She likes being underground and in places where she can escape or disappear at any given moment, such as caves or large masses of water. She often returns to a particular cave that she discovered and housed in while she was wild, which also leads to an underground water source.

In terms of personality, she tends not to be too bold and prefers to hang around on the outskirts, watching and waiting. She doesn't like to get involved, but she also has an air of very high intelligence to her, making it seem as though she predicts or even causes the events around her. 


Personality (wild): She was stolen from her wild pack by trappers, which was swiftly taken down by the TCA. This resulted in her being raised by humans so she could survive puphood and be released back into the wild. Unfortunately, during the time she spent with the TCA, she learned the patterns of the people and didn't particularly want to return to the packs even if she would not allow anyone to take her home. She adores treats, and is typically spotted hanging around camps - but that is also a very bad sign. Unfortunate luck, as well as a black bird, seem to follow in the footsteps of this particular tokota. She was just recently put up for taming due to her risky behavior around people, her bad luck and unusual antics. She does not want a singular home, and she enjoys being fed and overfed by a large group of people. This has made her quite chubby, often giving people the wrong idea about her. She is most commonly seen in and around large bodies of water, but she can seemingly disappear in the blink of an eye. Don't trust this tokota.

Named Companions