Tokotna Register

Blue Christmas 37421

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 05/09/2019
Reached on 09/13/2019
Blue Christmas 37421

Blue Christmas
182 cm

Blue is melancholy and a little bit clingy. She loves snow and instantly cheers up whenever she sees those 'blue' snowflakes start falling.

Named Companions
Geralt 5957 - Geralt wants Blue to take over as alpha of the White Death in the event of his own passing. Blue, on the other paw, disagrees with Geralt's blanket hostility towards humans. This puts them at constant odds idealogy-wise, but both respect the other as capa
Blue's pack - Packmate - The de-facto 'alpha' of the pack, although she rarely does much leading and lets everyone do their own thing most of the time.
November 30, -0001

While on a bear hunt with Livia and a draco stryx named Blue Moon, Blue encountered and brought down (with lots of teamwork) a spirit bear: A black bear with white fur. The creature revealed itself to be the spirit Nagruk, who had been testing her in the guise of the bear. As a sign of his favour, he bestowed a gift of the bear's pelt to her, before promising that he would watch her career with great interest.

Livia later had the pelt fashioned into a cloak, which Blue still wears today.

November 30, -0001

At some point, Blue Christmas meets Livia, a humanoid cat who works primarily as a big game hunter and occasional daredevil. The two bonded over time, and while Livia has never actually ridden Blue, as she has a mount of her own, Blue would trust Livia with her life.