Tokotna Register

Adanvdo Tsigeyusv 40807

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Dire [25%]
Adanvdo Tsigeyusv 40807

Adanvdo Tsigeyusv
Pronounced - [Ah-dawn-to], Adan, Dawn, Spirit Loved
185 cm

The native people call her Spirit Loved, which is fully pronounced "Adanvdo Tsigeyusv," but Adanvdo for short. This is because of the wisp mark on her eye, her pale-ish complexion, and her "visitations." Sometimes she can go into a trance like state and be found snuggling with strangers, roaming, digging, or doing something to help random individuals (she won't even respond to her name in these trances). Oddly the strangers, both humans and tokotas, she helps tend to also be those who have lost a dearly loved one recently. She seems connected to these departed spirits and tries to bring peace for them.

Adan is sweet tempered. She also has been fairly blessed with good looks and will be seen in the circuit, strutting her stuff and showing her pride. She is a little vain and doesn't like to be dirty. Adan loves scratches and belly rubs and may sometimes be overbearing in seeking attention. She also enjoys a good treat and will do almost anything for a bite of cheese.

Named Companions