Tokotna Register

Dark Days 5009

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 10/01/2015
Dark Days 5009

Dark Days
185 cm

Dark Days is a very confident Tokota. She never looses her cool and is always alert. She's prideful and sometimes full of herself. She's a natural born leader who keeps her companions under close watch - Never letting any harm come to them if she can at all help it. She is loyal and brave and never backs down from a good fight when its not avoidable. She enjoys running and swimming, and has a very high prey drive. She's also very good when it comes to training - She gives it her all; Like pretty much everything else she does. She's not fond of failing, and will never take failure at anything as a option.
She's very friendly - just as long as you don't try to hurt her packmates, you'll be just fine. Also treats are a big plus with her, its the fastest way to her heart. She's not fond of strangers, regardless of her nature (Friendly) She's known to not trust right away- You'll have to prove yourself as a friend and not a foe before she'll let you get too close to her or her "Family". When it comes to her Tokota-pals she's never one to take crap off them. She's quick to put them in their place; Young and old alike she'll let all of them know she's the boss. She has a big soft spot for cubs/puppies, its not unusual to see her letting a mob of them climb all over her, even if they are not her own. She loves babysitting, and will gladly do it whenever its needed. She also is quite fond of human children too and can be very protective of them also; sometimes even going as far as to try to protect them from their own parents. (Her motherly instincts get the better of her sometimes). She's a very skilled hunter and isn't too shabby when it comes to fishing either. Her motherly nature is so strong in fact, sometimes she's brought back baby deer, moose etc in attempt to adopt it. She's just a tard like that.

She's also fairly fond of just simply venturing off on her own (or sometimes with a select few companions) and exploring the world around her. She really enjoys the knowledge she gains from doing so. She's very big on feeling enlightened and knowning about the world and other animals she's grown to co-exist with. She takes pride in feeling free and enjoys running through the open wilderness with her closest companions.

Named Companions