Tokotna Register

Wayward Son 51235

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Dire [50%]
Wayward Son 51235

Wayward Son
Winchester, Win
209 cm

Win can be stubborn and temperamental, but he does have a nicer side. He tries to come off as a big, tough Tokota, but under the right circumstances he'll let his softer side show. His bark and bite are equally mean, so try to avoid getting on his bad side. He has a tendency to act before thinking, but he is also very intuitive and good at thinking on his feet, so it tends to work out well anyway. He always tries to protect those he cares about, even if the ways he does it can sometimes annoy or even anger others. As long as his plans work well enough to keep everyone safe, though, he doesn't care what they think. He comes off as a bit of a macho tough guy on the surface, but on the inside is a brave, caring, selfless Tokota who would do anything for his friends and family, and would take on every demon life could throw at him at once if he had to.

Named Companions
Nephilim 51203 - Brother
Archangel 52595 - Uncle/nephew
Thursday's Angel 52621 - Uncle/nephew
Ophanim 52756 - Uncle/nephew
Memory - Handler - Main
Tinshemet - Handler -
Wanderers of the Taiga - Packmate - Guardian