Tokotna Register

Blizzard 5138

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 06/25/2016
Reached on 06/29/2016
Blizzard 5138
Aurora Perks

Bliz, Blitz, Flurry, Wizard of Winter
183 cm

Very gentle and sweet once you get to know him. From a stranger's perspective he comes off cold and not so friendly. However, once a formal introduction is in place and you are kind to him and others, he's as gentle as the rays of a winter sun!

He prefers warmer weather, but doesn't mind the cold one bit. In fact, he considers the snow tundras his home! He also likes to munch on ice cream when given the chance, despite how much he hates getting a brain freeze! Is said to also like cotton candy, or anything cold and sweet for that matter!

Blizzard tends to walk funny, in an unsteady limp... almost as if he can't hold his balance. Once he gets to running, however... there's no stopping him! Is also said to have visions and unusual sixth senses. Finds comfort in wickedly shaped, twisted branches from barren trees. Runs so fast he feels he can fly! Has a fascination with trains and orbs/spheres, specifically crystal balls.

It's said that he was once extremely cold-hearted, turning on anyone who dared to trespass his territory. A fury of flurries would follow him in his wake, a warning to stay away. But once the right person came along, he began to open up and the ice around his heart melted away! With little steps, Blizzard has come a long way and has turned into a much more friendly toko to be around. However, that doesn't mean his fury isn't completely gone!

Named Companions