Tokotna Register

Einar 52806

Submissive | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Einar 52806

163 cm

Reckless | Anticipative | Shy

Einar loves some good competition and even more so, he likes to win. Sometimes in his haste to win a competition, he may sacrifice his morals to win by any means possible. By losing, he deems himself to be unworthy and a failure of a descendent, so this is not an option for him. However not all competitions go awry, depending on who is involved and the circumstance. 

His downfall is that he always compares himself to others. He views how great others are without taking note of their faults, and as a result, believing them all to be perfect based on their public appearance and skills. If he isn't better or on par with their style, he feels as though he is inadequate. He has to have the best of the best to be the best of the best. 

Always counting ten steps ahead and having something to fall back on. Einar likes to try to anticipate his opponents next move and have a counter-attack waiting. Whether that's in a conflict or something more mundane, domestic if you will. He finds joy in seeing what action the opponent takes, and sometimes likes to get a little reckless in his own decision making.

At times, Einar can get a little stuck inside of his own head. Whether it’s becoming arrogant in his own skills or overthinking about others around him. It often leads to him being alone because he was either being unintentionally rude to them or simply hadn’t been able to work up the nerve to approach them. This is espesically true for those he idolizes and it's not uncommon for him to become a studdering mess.

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