Tokotna Register

To See With Eyes Closed 63111

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Dire [75%]
To See With Eyes Closed 63111
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Pack: Nomadic (Seer)

To See With Eyes Closed
Freyja, Frey
12 years
200 cm
889 lbs

Wise, Gentle, Proud, Sly

It is claimed that when someone is in a moment of strife or is questioning where to go in their life, Freyja will seem to appear out of nowhere to offer guidance to those in need. Whether it be to tell them a hard truth to swallow or to give them a gentle push... She doesn't know for sure if she did help or if she only made things worse, but those thoughts never stay long.

Freyja was born blind and had to learn quickly to navigate the world around her with her other senses; smell, sound, taste and feel. She still has a ways to go before she can truly feel the world, but she can atleast walk around on her own without walking into something or tripping over her own paws.

Named Companions