Tokotna Register

Raven 66448

Dominant | Female | Wire Mane | Dire [75%]
Achieved on 10/07/2023
Reached on 10/31/2023
Raven 66448
Custom Message

Wild Hunter, Odin's Hound
13 years
140 cm

Raven lives for the sound of thundering hooves as she hunts alongside her packmates. She was born on Sikatou Island, where Artemis found her and introduced her into her loyal band of hunters. They were undisturbed for years, learning to navigate the otherworldly landscapes and take down prey only known to the isle of Sikatou. 


Raven is well aware of her strengths and how to use them, her resourcefulness being invaluable to the pack. She also known to be quite meek, more bold members of the pack speaking over her. 


It never bothered her until one day a human washed ashore. Artemis urged her to leave the human to its fate, saying that humans would destroy their peaceful island, but Raven could not bear to see any creature suffer unnecessarily. 


Raven dragged the injured human into a nearby cave and warmed her with her fur and the light of the glowing mushrooms. The dire understood that she had made a choice, and she would not be able to return to her pack after disobeying their leader. She had an instinctual feeling that she could trust this human, however.


Humans began to come in droves shortly after, scientists and researchers as well as tourists alike. But with her human perched on her back, spear in hand, she knew that she could face any challenge.

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