Tokotna Register

Lorian Firescribe 67880

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Akota
Achieved on 03/30/2024
Tier 1 Bonded on 01/22/2024
Lorian Firescribe 67880
Aurora Perks
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Fantasy world toko

Lorian Firescribe
Mystic Teller, Timebinder
200 cm

Lorian Firescribe is an ancient sage whose eyes reflect the wisdom acquired through centuries of observing the ebb and flow of the world. Despite the weight of the years, a spark of curiosity and vitality lingers in his gaze. Lorian's voice is a melodic resonance, captivating all who hear it, drawing them into the tapestry of his stories.

Lorian is not just a storyteller; he is a keeper of ancient lore, a living chronicle of the world's history. His memories span ages, and he imparts his knowledge with a mix of humility and a twinkle of amusement. Despite his age, he possesses a keen intellect and a gentle spirit, always eager to share the lessons he has learned from the tapestry of time.

Lorian Firescribe's presence commands respect, and those who seek his counsel find themselves enriched not just with knowledge but with a deeper understanding of the interconnected threads that weave the fabric of existence.

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