Tokotna Register

Nicnevin 6812

Submissive | Female | Half Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 12/04/2015
Nicnevin 6812

185 cm

Nicnevin, or more affectionately by friends and family, Nico, is a very protective and isolated Tokota. She really only prefers the company of those she knows and it takes her a long time to accept strangers. She excels at tasks that she sets herself to, and especially enjoys hunting and exploring. She is not the fondest at fishing, but that's only because she doesn't appreciate being soaking wet, which she typically ends up as as she'll charge head first into the water to get the fish instead of wait patiently.

Her biggest setback, as well as accomplishment, is looking after her best friend and adopted sister, Riina. As Riina is blind, Nico acts as her eyes quite often, despite Riina's protests as she's able to get around quite fine without her sight. Nico refuses to admit it, but everyone knows she helps Riina so much because she wants the companionship.

As a mount, Nico is not the easiest ride, and she would prefer to work alongside her handler versus being ridden, but she will get over it quickly if it's required of her. She's very aloof when it comes to her handler, and while she likes Ila and has accepted her, she doesn't care much and prefers Tokota company instead. That being said, she would protect her family, handlers included, with her own life if asked of her.

Named Companions
Riina 5450 - Best Friend
Ila Cross - Handler -