Tokotna Register

Auradon 8123

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Auradon 8123

Aura, DeeDee, 'Princess' Evie, Fairest
180 cm
A literal girl of the pack, that is Auradon. With a level head upon her shoulders she is second in command of the pack behind Rexy 5219 , eventhough she is actually the oldest female and she always ensures that others know she wears the 'crown' of that privilege. She is a very smart and intelligent tokota, who can easily stand with males and even try her paw at flirting with them if she feels like doing so, being actually very sweet, kind and pleasant in the long run. But don't let her charm fool you, Aura is loyal and authoritative when she wants to be.....Rexy did not make her second in command for nothing....However it is no hidden fact that Aura has problems with her own vanity and is sensitive to how others human and tokota view her, but she is always finding ways to boost her self confidence because underneath all of her barriers she is actually quite a nice, charming, shy soul with many different likes and dislikes. In regard to tasks she is focused and will always try her best to give 120% into all tasks which she is confronted with and always wants and likes to please her owner/handler. However if you cross her line watch out because she will defend and protect her allies (friends) , companions and her owner/handler till her last breath.
Named Companions