Tokotna Register

Chu'Kii 8989

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 03/22/2016
Reached on 04/24/2016
Chu'Kii 8989

Chu, Ki, Kiki, Ghost Child
184 cm
A strangely presence-less, calm and silent giantess. Chu'kii is a female that is barely noticable when present, she simply blends into any kind of situation or surrounding, making her gain the nickname "Ghost Child" as many people and even Tokotas failed to notice her approaching and recieved a big shock when turning around, suddenly looking into her eyes. Despite her parents' personalities, she does not show any kind of fears or aggressions. Unless her master or packmates are in danger, Chu will not bare her teeth or use her voice. Most of the time she solves such 'problems' by simply standing between the offender and the person or animal she wants to protect. Her ice-cold stare has made even polar bears turn on their heel and disappearing rather quickly. Despite her cold behavior, she is a rather curious girl. Approaching people or animals to examine them, and occasionally scaring them too, as well as simply observing others are some of her favourite things to do. And unlike everyone expected due to her dam's behaior, she is extremely patient towards children, both human and animals. She is extremely gentle with them, especially Tokota pups, and watches over them like they are her own.
Named Companions