Tokotna Register

Mortis 9744

Average | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 02/17/2016
Mortis 9744

Morte, Queen, Natalie, Grimmy, Death
180 cm

She is death. She is a vicious killer, who shows no mercy for her victims. She is more than protective of her pack and handler, if for one second she thinks there is a threat against them she will attack without question. Her speed and strength by passes any of her pack mates. One of her weaknesses is that fact she acts before she thinks, sometimes causing her injury or even worse, injury to a packmate. Her pack shows her the greatest amount of respect, knowing that it would be a bad idea to get on her bad side, even though they know for a fact she would never harm them. When with her pack and handler, she is very sweet and playful. Her handler even says she's childish at times. She'll play with the pups as if she is one of them, never coming close to causing harm to any of the little ones. When it comes to her handler she can be quite needy and wants to be next to him at all times, it is the same way with any of her pack. Her fear of being alone always making sure she doesn't stray far from her family. Her loyalty is fierce and her trust is deep. Once she vows herself to you, it will take a great display of evil for her to turn. But once you break that trust, you will regret it.

Named Companions