Tokotna Register

Dust Bunny 46810

Dominant | Male | Sphinx Mane | Toki
Achieved on 07/30/2020
Reached on 01/28/2022
Dust Bunny 46810
Aurora Perks
Custom Message
Mutation: Melanistic
Slot Price: 6 sets of AoAs; 2 sets of RoDs/PotA; 12 ARs; 18 Trait Tokens; 60 HP Tokens
Other Info:

Activities | Tribe Activities | Breeding | Competitions



Sire: Dust Bunny 46810

Owner approval: (remove or leave blank if you are the owner)

Sire's Hereditary Mutations/Traits/Breeding Companions:

- Melanistic


- Aippaqs Fortune II

- Lucky

- Maujas Draw

- Nanooks Shadow

- Passionate

- Small Stature II


- Snowshoe Hare