Tokotna Register

PcK's Fizzgelir | NFS | 14920

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Dire [50%]
Achieved on 04/04/2016
Reached on 12/18/2016
PcK's Fizzgelir | NFS | 14920
Custom Message
Specialty: CE's | Diver

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
8 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
Awards: 3
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+8 Applied HP8
Explore Hhiraeth Payment 2
(by zincwolf - 687021368)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Explore)6
Exploration 43
(by solarxolverite-arpg - 658930838)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Explore) +2(Handler)9
Exploration 42
(by solarxolverite-arpg - 658930831)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(explore) +2(Handler)9
Exploration 44
(by solarxolverite-arpg - 658930850)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(Explore) +2(Handler)9
Is someone there
(by kulkelo - 676727892)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)7
Out of the cave
(by kulkelo - 676720993)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave) 7
What is that
(by kulkelo - 676198330)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)7
Exploration 45
(by solarxolverite-arpg - 658930859)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Explore)7
(by kulkelo - 676614538)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)7
Caribou Hunt 3
(by leillatoko - 615628377)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 4
(by leillatoko - 615628415)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 5
(by leillatoko - 615628475)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 10
(by leillatoko - 615628660)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Starter) +2(Handler)10
Caribou Hunt 8
(by leillatoko - 615628589)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 6
(by leillatoko - 615628472)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 7
(by leillatoko - 615628596)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 9
(by leillatoko - 615628582)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 14
(by leillatoko - 615628744)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 11
(by leillatoko - 615628673)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(handler) +2(Starter)10
Caribou Hunt 15
(by leillatoko - 615628771)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Starter) +2(Handler)10
Caribou Hunt 12
(by leillatoko - 615628697)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Starter) +2(Handler)10
Caribou Hunt 13
(by leillatoko - 615628765)
2(FB colored) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt) +2(Starter) +2(Handler)10
RoD Fiery Skies
(by sapphiresquire - 640585796)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Rite) 7
Caving Hhiraeth Payment
(by zincwolf - 687588077)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)6
The Weeks End Exploration
(by actually-a-dog - 628723367)
6(1278 WC) +2(handler) +2(starter) +2(explore) +1(Mojaq Alpha)13
Caving Hhiraeth Payment 3
(by zincwolf - 687643694)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)6
Caving Hhiraeth Payment 2
(by zincwolf - 687585053)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Cave)6
Caving Hhiraeth Payment 4
(by zincwolf - 687665977)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Cave) 6
238/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Beach Bums Exploration
(by actually-a-dog - 623183963)
6(1350 WC) +2(starter) +2(explore) +1(Mojaq Alpha)11
Mud Slide Exploration
(by actually-a-dog - 626789836)
7(1413 WC) +2(Explore) +2(Handler) +2(Starter) +1(Mojaq Alpha) 14
RoD Cub Nose Boop
(by sapphiresquire - 640762471)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Rite) 7
(by xxlaughingxinfernoxx - 676565222)
6(1353 WC) +2(Fish)8
Fishing Panic at the Cisco
(by xxlaughingxinfernoxx - 676144076)
8(1656 WC) +2(Fish)10
Explore li hua Hhiraeth payment
(by zincwolf - 687312456)
6(1248 WC) +2(Explore) +2(Handler) +1(Affiliated Species)11
Explore li hua Musfuzzie Hhiraeth payment
(by zincwolf - 687301923)
6(1248 WC) +2(Explore) +2(Handler) +1(Affiliated Species)11
Explore Hhiraeth Payment
(by zincwolf - 687013862)
2(FB colored) +2(Bg) +2(Explore)6
Exploration 40
(by scorchwind58 - 659850353)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Explore)6
Giddy Up Fluffbear ROF
(by beachbumdunkin - 612074809)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Rite) +2(Handler) +4(Non Com)12
Teehee fluffles ROM
(by beachbumdunkin - 612075963)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Rite) +4(Non Com)10
Hunting Collab
(by hhiraeth - 621248069)
3(FB colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Hunt)7
Fishing Hhiraeth cantbreakthis Payment
(by zincwolf - 687045242)
2(Fb colored shaded) +2(Fish) +2(Bg)6
Fishing Hhiraeth cantbreakthis Payment 3
(by zincwolf - 687066286)
2(Fb colored) +2(Fish) +2(Bg)6
Fishing Hhiraeth cantbreakthis Payment 4
(by zincwolf - 687093071)
2(Fb colored) +2(bg) +2(Fish)6
AP Stay Behind Me
(by kaa-pora - 649640181)
3(FB colored Shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Rite)7
I got it ROTH
(by beachbumdunkin - 612075825)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Rite) +2(Handler) +4(Non Com)12
Fishing Hhiraeth cantbreakthis Payment 2
(by zincwolf - 687054350)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Fish)6
Diving buddies
(by scribbles-arpg - 876652535)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Dive) +2(Collab) 9
(by avalonfang4 - 689577261)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg)5
Star Gazing
(by avalonfang4 - 671870787)
3(FB colored shaded) +2(Bg) 5
Glowy Tunnels Cave Collab
(by beachbumdunkin - 873879337)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave) +2(Collab) +1(Miaghi Alpha)10
I m Happy to be here Explore Collab
(by beachbumdunkin - 873857904)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Explore) +2(Collab) +1(Parani Alpha)10
Come back here Fishing 001
(by beachbumdunkin - 873652140)
2(Fb colored) +2(Bg) +2(Fish) +4(Non Com)10
Two Friends One Cave Caving 001
(by beachbumdunkin - 873584973)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Cave) +2(Bg) +4(Non Com)11
New Adventures New Friends Dive 001
(by beachbumdunkin - 873561496)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Dive) +4(Non Com) 11
Something s dripping on me Caving 002
(by beachbumdunkin - 873648150)
3(Fb colored shaded) +2(Bg) +2(Cave) +4(Non Com) 11
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total