Tokotna Register

Ayato 22414

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 06/07/2019
Reached on 06/06/2019
Reached on 12/03/2023
Ayato 22414

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
213 HP
Tokens: 208
AoA (Average): 5
75/75 Submissive to Average
Link Breakdown Total
+213 Applied HP213
250/250 (138 HP) Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
T Hard To Break
(by alphaspice - 798473096)
2(522 WC) +2(handler) +2(ID 12581 starter)6
T Collab Exploration buds
(by eternalhusky - 796927215)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +2(handler)9
T Fairness Does Not Always Prevail 2
(by alphaspice - 796830439)
7(1214 WC) +2(AR)9
T Set Our Torch Aflame
(by alphaspice - 796066341)
7(1461 WC) +2(AR) +2(handler)11
RoK We got you
(by sheltiejoy - 798205884)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
T Race You There
(by alphaspice - 799477684)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
T Center Of Attention
(by alphaspice - 799472374)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
(by nobletraitor - 935734303)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(collab) +2(ID 55553 is superstar) +2(ID 55553 is a tribemate)13
Happy Hour
(by nobletraitor - 935735248)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(collab) +2(ID 55553 is superstar) +2(ID 55553 is a tribemate)13
Rite Collab 3
(by littletokosecrets - 997571154)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(ID 57434 is a tribemate)10
Rite Collab 2
(by littletokosecrets - 995329193)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(ID 12580 starter) +2(ID 57434 is a tribemate)12
Rite Collab 1
(by littletokosecrets - 995329182)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(ID 57434 is a tribemate)10
23/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
TE Explore 1d24
(by shangry-ia - 1005458057)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +3(ID 66261 is superstar II) +2(ID 66261 is a tribemate)11
TE Explore 1e24
(by shangry-ia - 1005618710)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +1(ID 20654 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 20654 is superstar II) +2(ID 20654 is a tribemate)12
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total