Tokotna Register

Fúss 34177

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Toki
Achieved on 06/19/2018
Fúss 34177
Custom Message

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
20 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
AoA Faction (LK): 5
Tribal Prestige: 5
175/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+20 Applied HP20
C Fish 3 4
(by ezilyn - 912934757)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(collab)9
C Fish 2 4
(by ezilyn - 912934721)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(collab)9
C Fish 1 4
(by ezilyn - 912934680)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(collab)9
Sketch Shots
(by discrete-disguise - 828780173)
1(head colored) +4(non-com)5
garden guardians
(by discrete-disguise - 804314254)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com)8
Ya Little Shs
(by discrete-disguise - 799792074)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(handler)10
Easter Assistant
(by discrete-disguise - 794717613)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +3(ID 36950 is a tribemate HC)11
RoS Fuss Heck Lambert
(by discrete-disguise - 750268538)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite)10
Laying around won t find food
(by discrete-disguise - 750268171)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite)10
RoM Fuss Heck Lambert
(by discrete-disguise - 744671241)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite)10
half aslep
(by discrete-disguise - 749336568)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show) +3(ID 18595, ID 30585, ID 34272 are alpha tokotas) +3(ID 30585 is superstar II) +3(ID 34272 is a tribemate HC)19
(by discrete-disguise - 747612688)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show) +2(ID 5899 starter) +1(ID 5899 is alpha tokota)13
(by discrete-disguise - 746963623)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +4(non-com) +3(ID 21315, ID 18595, ID 30585 are alpha tokotas) +2(ID 21315 is superstar)16
(by discrete-disguise - 742610070)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +4(non-com) +3(ID 21315, ID 18595, ID 30585 are alpha tokotas) +2(ID 21315 is superstar)16
0/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total