Tokotna Register

Wisteria 35911

Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 02/23/2019
Reached on 03/04/2019
Wisteria 35911
Aurora Perks

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
24 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
AoA Faction (LK): 5
Tribal Prestige: 5
Awards: 4
75/75 Submissive to Average
Link Breakdown Total
+24 Applied HP24
tvt little blue shell ain t stoppin us
(by lost-tokoadi - 988295277)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(collab) +2(show) +1(ID 49218 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 49218 is a tribemate HC)13
tokos sibling love
(by lost-coati - 822922071)
2(fb colored) +4(non-com) +1(ID 35042 is alpha tokota)7
Wisteria HP Pack 2 For lost coati
(by riqtide - 777276702)
1(227 WC)1
HP2 Wisteria top left
(by riqtide - 777276327)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +2(handler)10
HP2 Wisteria top right
(by riqtide - 777276524)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)8
HP2 Wisteria bottom left
(by riqtide - 777276600)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)8
HP2 Wisteria bottom right
(by riqtide - 777276637)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)8
64/250 (4 HP) Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
HP1 Wisteria top left
(by riqtide - 777274714)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)8
HP1 Wisteria top right
(by riqtide - 777275227)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)8
HP1 Wisteria bottom left
(by riqtide - 777275418)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
HP1 Wisteria bottom center
(by riqtide - 777275891)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
HP1 Wisteria bottom right
(by riqtide - 777275694)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +2(handler)9
(by ezilyn - 782932139)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(ID 34272, ID 15788, ID 34407 are alpha tokotas) +3(ID 15788 is superstar II) +3(ID 34272 is a tribemate HC)14
gift can you two please get along
(by lost-coati - 785785745)
2(fb colored) +4(non-com) +1(ID 35042 is alpha tokota)7
0/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total