Tokotna Register

Skalaerys 36087

Alpha | Female | Short Mane | Dire [50%]
Achieved on 10/29/2018
Reached on 02/04/2019
Reached on 10/13/2019
Skalaerys 36087
Aurora Perks
Custom Message

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
184 HP
Tokens: 144
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
Lamb Totem: 15
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+184 Applied HP184
Hunting Aug 7 I
(by dunrosiel - 808812384)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 4(noncom) + 2(2 alphas - Archduke 31230/Angae 23561) + 3(superstar II - Archduke 31230) + 3(tribemate - Noria 22412)18
Diving Aug 7 II
(by dunrosiel - 808785215)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(dive) + 4(noncom) + 2(2 alphas - Angae 23561/Duchess 35799)12
Diving Aug 7 I
(by dunrosiel - 808785191)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(dive) + 4(noncom) + 2(2 alphas - Angae 23561/Duchess 35799)12
Diving Aug 6 II
(by dunrosiel - 808646153)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(dive) + 4(noncom) + 2(2 alphas - Angae 23561/Duchess 35799)12
Diving Aug 6 I
(by dunrosiel - 808645848)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(dive) + 4(noncom) + 2(2 alphas - Angae 23561/Duchess 35799)12
292/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Tokotines 2019
(by dunrosiel - 785535684)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 4(noncom)8
PotA Mango Skalaerys Prompt 17
(by marblesplotch - 815858429)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(lore) + 1(1 alpha -Mango 35662) + 3(tribemate - Mango 35662)14
PotA Mango Skalaerys Prompt 10
(by marblesplotch - 815858438)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(starter - Mauja 10) + 1(1 alpha -Mango 35662) + 3(tribemate - Mango 35662)14
PotA Mango Skalaerys Prompt 1
(by marblesplotch - 815858450)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(starter - Mauja 10) + 1(1 alpha -Mango 35662) + 3(tribemate - Mango 35662)14
RoS Rolling again
(by shiningwinteradopts - 768534687)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(handler) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)14
RoM Rolling again
(by shiningwinteradopts - 768534721)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(handler) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)14
RoF Rolling again
(by shiningwinteradopts - 768534705)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(handler) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)14
Explore 1
(by shiningwinteradopts - 771466990)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)14
Explore 2
(by shiningwinteradopts - 771466954)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)14
Ska Explores 1
(by shiningwinteradopts - 772932147)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(lore) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)16
Ska Explores 3
(by shiningwinteradopts - 772932219)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(lore) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)16
Ska Explores 2
(by shiningwinteradopts - 772932242)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(lore) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)16
Fishing maybe
(by shiningwinteradopts - 767908746)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(handler) + 2(starter - Sedna 11) + 2(superstar - Smoke n Fire 36354) + 3(tribemate - Smoke n Fire 36354)16
Starfall Treasure
(by shiningwinteradopts - 767910083)
6(1200 WC) + 2(handler) + 3(tribemate - Firethroat 30901)11
(by mizie-wolf - 766373318)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Okazaki 17464) + 3(superstar II - Okazaki 17464) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)13
(by mizie-wolf - 766373332)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Okazaki 17464) + 3(superstar II - Okazaki 17464) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)13
(by mizie-wolf - 766373305)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Okazaki 17464) + 3(superstar II - Okazaki 17464) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)13
(by mizie-wolf - 768794071)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)9
(by mizie-wolf - 768794069)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)9
(by mizie-wolf - 768794074)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)9
(by mizie-wolf - 768794067)
2(fb uncolored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Loras 36304)9
Butterfly field
(by evil-bunbun - 812458412)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(superstar - Scott Butterscotch 31487) + 3(tribemate - Scott Butterscotch 31487)11
The chase
(by evil-bunbun - 812413154)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 2(superstar - Scott Butterscotch 31487) + 3(tribemate - Scott Butterscotch 31487)11
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total