Tokotna Register

Lyosha 3985

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 11/30/-0001
Reached on 07/25/2015
Reached on 09/24/2017
Lyosha 3985
Aurora Perks
Custom Message

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
5 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
75/75 Submissive to Average
Link Breakdown Total
Chicken hunt
(by smerup100 - 674039856)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Background:2HP+Non-commission:4HP.9
Picking Fights Deer hunting
(by heavendeluxe - 570702819)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+ Background:2HP+Hunting(PL):3HP.8
Lunch break
(by smerup100 - 674042611)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Background:2HP+Non-commission:4HP.+Handler:2HP+Exploration(PL):3HP.14
Tail love
(by smerup100 - 541990298)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP+Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP. 11
Just a little bit exploring
(by tuttibirdarts - 543884375)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp +Handler:2HP +Collab:2HP +Background:2HP+Exploration(PL):3HP.12
RoK all in
(by smerup100 - 547655395)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp +Handler:2HP +Starter(Tonga 182):2HP +Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP.13
Lyosha is a good boy
(by dasfischi - 552528569)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp3
+5 Applied HP5
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
Uhg hey
(by smerup100 - 542455421)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP.11
Hunting bear
(by smerup100 - 545618003)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP+Starter(Nanook 01):2HP.16
(by smerup100 - 546999228)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP+Starter(Tonga 182):2HP.16
Seal Hunt
(by smerup100 - 549024315)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP+Starter(Sister Moon 12):2HP.16
(by smerup100 - 548425352)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP+Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP+Hunting(PL):3HP.14
Be king again
(by smerup100 - 681459693)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Background:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Handler:2HP11
(by smerup100 - 679653498)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Non-commission:4HP +Background:2HP+Exploring(PL):3HP.12
Running Training Hunting
(by smerup100 - 542696313)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP9
RoK one left
(by smerup100 - 550194844)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Starter(Mauja 10):2HP.13
(by smerup100 - 551395248)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Exploring(PL):3HP+Starter(Nanook 01):2HP.16
He did it
(by smerup100 - 551626293)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Exploration(PL):3HP.14
Seal hunting
(by smerup100 - 552517512)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP+Starter(Sister Moon 12):2HP.16
(by smerup100 - 556534952)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP.14
YTH BearHunt
(by narhwhal - 555439938)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Background:2HP Hunting(PL):3HP.8
A Day at Kesuk Bay Toko Exploration
(by desertfloraa - 569675538)
Word count:1326 words: 6,5 HP Handler Bonus: 2HP+ Exploring(PL): 3HP12
A Deer Date
(by desertfloraa - 570941948)
Word coun:t 1809 words: 9 HP+ Handler: 2HP Hunting (PL): 3HP+ Starter(Kamik 08): 2HP.16
RoM fishing
(by smerup100 - 544418016)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Non-commission:4HP Background:2HP+Show(AoA):2HP.11
RoF running
(by smerup100 - 546604972)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Show(AoA):2HP+Background:2HP.13
Final HP for smerup100
(by desertfloraa - 571658375)
Fullbody Colored and shaded: 3Hp Background:2HP5
(by littleanimesecrets - 695340170)
Fullbody Colored: 2Hp Background:2HP+Explore(PL):3HP7
(by lmfo100 - 922580343)
Fullbody colored and shaded: 3HP+BG: 2HP+Fishing(PL): 3HP+None-commission: 4HP+Alpha(Frost 31781): 1HP.13
125/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Selfie YTH Lu and Lyosha
(by radenn - 552721661)
Headshot - Colored and Shaded: 2HP2
(by lmfo100 - 728681712)
Fullbody colored: 2HP+ Background: 2HP+ Handler: 2HP+ Alpha(Schneewittchen 14337): 1HP+ Starter(Mauja 10): 2HP+ Lore(Sikrinerk): 2HP+Superstar II(Schneewittchen 14337): 3HP+ Exploring(PL): 3HP+ Non-Commission: 4HP21
You will always be my hero PMV
(by lmfo100 - 709739799)
Fullbody Colored 2Hpx3+Non-commission:4HP.10
(by smerup100 - 546381368)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Handler:2HP Non-commission:4HP+Show(AoA):2HP+Background:2HP13
(by smerup100 - 672557946)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp+Background:2HP Non-commission:4HP+ Fishing(PL):3HP12
My biggest regret
(by lmfo100 - 695723763)
Fullbody Colored and shaded x3: 9Hp+Non-commission:4HP Show(RoD):2HP+Background:2HP.17
King again
(by lmfo100 - 706096836)
Fullbody Colored and shaded: 3Hp Non-commission:4HP+Handler:2HP Show(RoD):2HP+Background:2HP.13
(by lmfo100 - 705439169)
Fullbody Colored and shaded:3Hp +Headshot - Colored and Shaded: 2HP+Non-commission:4HP Show(RoD):2HP+Background:2HP.13
(by smerup100 - 560832466)
Fullbody Colored and shaded: 3Hp+Handler: 2Hp Non-commission: 4HP+Background: 2HP Starter(Mauja 10): 2HP.13
3 In 1
(by lmfo100 - 926347884)
Fullbody colored: 2HP+ Background: 2HP+ Caver: 2HP+ None-commission: 4HP+ Alpha(Ammon 5027):1HP11
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total